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International conference on nuclear medicine “Theranostics in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the journey”

International conference on nuclear medicine “Theranostics in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the journey”

From May 15 to 16, the next international conference on nuclear medicine “Theranostics in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the journey” will be held at the Medical Center Hospital of the PAA of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As part of this conference, a 3-stream master class will be held by leading specialists in nuclear medicine in the CIS.

Theranostics is a branch of nuclear medicine that consists of a comprehensive solution to therapeutic and diagnostic problems by creating drugs that are both a means of early diagnosis and a therapeutic agent.

At the end of 2022, a unique nuclear medicine center with its own production, which has no analogues in the country at present, was opened on the basis of the MC Hospital of the PAA of the RK. This nuclear medicine center is the first center to operate in accordance with international Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements and gives a great impetus to the development of this industry in the country, which will provide patients with timely, highly qualified, highly specialized radioisotope diagnostic services.

On December 16, 2022, the first proprietary radiopharmaceutical was produced - 18F-FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose), on March 31, 2023, the second radiopharmaceutical was produced - 18F-NaF (sodium fluoride), on September 29, 2023 - the third drug 11C-MET (methionine), December 20, 2023 – fourth drug 18F-DOPA (fluorodopamine). By the end of 2026, 5 more new radiopharmaceuticals will be produced. To date, the Hospital has established the production of 6 radiopharmaceuticals based on fluorine, carbon and gallium, thanks to which it has become possible to diagnose prostate cancer, diseases of neuroendocrine pathology, diseases of the osteoarticular system, and the brain.

To date, the Hospital’s specialists have introduced 20 new technologies in nuclear medicine in the country with the approval of diagnostic protocols and tariffs within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care and compulsory social health insurance.

This event is supported by GE Healthcare (General Electric).

Leading specialists and scientists from Russia and Kazakhstan in the field of nuclear medicine will take part in the conference. The main directions of the conference are the development of technologies for the production of radiopharmaceuticals for theranostics, the possibilities of nuclear medicine methods for use in theranostics, radioiodine therapy, problems and prospects, discussion of international experience.

The conference will be held for doctors of nuclear medicine, radiation diagnostics, oncologists, cardiologists, urologists, radiochemists, analytical chemists, physicists, clinical physicists, and residents.

May 15: On the first day, the conference will be held in the large conference hall of block F for doctors, physicists, and chemists.

The conference will provide detailed information on the current situation in the development of radiology in Kazakhstan, the possibilities of PET/CT with 18F-FDG in the diagnosis of metastases and relapse in ovarian cancer, and discussion of theranostics problems and prospects in Kazakhstan. GE Healthcare will present a unified solution for the theranostic department. Discussion of international experience will cover such topics as “Theranostics of prostate cancer”, “Patient model for PSMA-ligand radionuclide therapy”, “Monoclonal antibodies in radiotheranostics”.

At the end of the conference, a round table of experts will be organized.

May 16: A 3-stream master class will be held for radiologists, radiochemists and cyclotron physics engineers with the participation of Russian specialists. Issues regarding the use of new radiopharmaceuticals, the introduction of which is planned in our Hospital, and clinical cases using the drugs 18F-FET and 18F-PSMA will be considered. On the basis of the cyclotron-production complex, theoretical and practical classes will be held on methods of synthesis and quality control of 18F-FLT, 18F-FET and 18F-PSMA preparations, the use of solid targets, preventive reduction of unplanned equipment downtime, and simulation of common failures (trouble shooting).

Start of the Conference: May 15, 2024 9:00 a.m.

Venue: Medical Center Hospital of the PAA of the RK.

Address: Mangilik Yel Avenue 80, Astana


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