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2023 year’s results of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2023 year’s results of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Performance results of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the past year show significant achievements and constant striving for the highest standards of medical care.

Any achievements and advantages of the Hospital are the result of joint efforts of all employees. The main advantage of the Hospital is its highly qualified medical staff consisting of professors, doctors, candidates of medical sciences and doctors of the highest category, who continuously undergo training abroad.

  • “Days of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan” were held in 8 regions of Kazakhstan. The best highly qualified doctors of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed 104 surgical operations.  Provided necessary consultative assistance to 431 patients and held more than 70 lectures and seminars on innovative methods of treatment for regional doctors. The final and important moment of each visit to the regions was the signing of the Mutual Cooperation Memorandum between Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regional Akimats.
  • The Nuclear Medicine Center of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan successfully launched the production of three radiopharmaceuticals: 18F-NaF, 11C - Met, 18F-DOPA. Currently, the Center offers 6 radiopharmaceuticals. These radiopharmaceuticals play a key role in diagnostics of various diseases with high accuracy and are successfully used for more than 20 types of PET/CT studies, approved diagnostic protocols and tariffs within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care and Compulsory Social Health Insurance. During the year, the Nuclear Medicine Center performed more than 8,000 PET/CT studies, which demonstrates the successful introduction and use of new pharmaceuticals.
  • Since the beginning of 2023, 5 specialized medical clinical centers have been opened at the Hospital, where about 9,000 patients from all regions of the country were treated at the end of the year:
    • Diabetic Foot Center;
    • Respiratory Medicine Center;
    • Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center;
    • The Sports Medicine Center;
    • Autoimmune Diseases Center.
  • More than 8,500 operations, including 384 high-tech operations, were performed in the surgical departments of the Hospital last year. This testifies to the high qualification of the surgical team, headed by the best surgeons in the country.
  • As a result of the program for foreign medical tourists “Health is Here”, since the beginning of the year the Hospital has treated more than 613 medical tourists from such countries as: China, Turkey, USA, Germany, UK, Canada, Israel, Croatia, Italy, UAE and CIS countries.
  • Mr. Bajram Begaj, the President of Albania visited the Hospital within the framework of his official visit to Kazakhstan. He noted the importance of experience exchange between the countries in the field of medical services and with interest got acquainted with the work of the Hospital, its capabilities and experience in the organization of clinical care.
  • The Hospital was the organizer of a significant event - Kazakhstan Internists’ Congress “Quality and safety of medication therapy: global trends and standards” which covered 500 medical professionals who are not indifferent to the topic of drug safety, as well as 3000 doctors participating in the online format.

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