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Scientific research of Hospitals’ doctors make a significant contribution to development of photodynamic therapy and photographic diagnosis in CIS

Scientific research of Hospitals’ doctors make a significant contribution to development of photodynamic therapy and photographic diagnosis in CIS

XII International Congress “Photodynamic therapy and photographic diagnosis” aimed at gathering wide circle of specialists, working in the sphere of p photodynamic therapy and photographic diagnosis, namely oncologists, radiologists, dermatologist and gynecologists and dedicated to issues of applying modern, innovative methods of diagnostics and treatment, has been held in Moscow.

Nasrulla Shanazarov, Deputy Director for Strategic Development, Science and Education of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of Kazakhstan photodynamic association, being an active participant of the Congress, has been moderating a section “Photodynamic therapy in CIS countries”. The Hospital was also presented at the Congress by doctors Zhanar Salmaganbetova, Sandugash Smailova, Balzhan Kassiyeva, Gulmira Aldabergen, which presented 4 reports, covering actual topics.

Separation of section on photodynamic therapy and photographic diagnosis in CIS countries in the framework of the Congress witnesses active development of this important medical direction in CIS, where Kazakhstan occupies a leading place in number of publications, dedicated to photodynamic therapy and photographic diagnosis, and 66th place out of 160 world’s countries, as per international web-portal “scopus.com”.

On the first day of the Congress, Nasrulla Shanazarov, Head of the Center for Photodynamic Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Oncologist of the Hospital, chairman of the section “PT and PD in CIS countries” made a report, themed: “Priority directions of photodynamic therapy in oncology”, as well as co-authored another 3 reports.

Two-day Congress in Moscow has smoothly transformed into II scientific and practical conference “Laser and photodynamic therapy: actual issues, achievements, innovations, organized by National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in Obninsk city, which gathered professors and founders of photodynamic therapy, including Nasrulla Shanazarov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Kazakhstan photodynamic association.

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