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8 operations were performed on the first day of the visit to Zhambyl region

8 operations were performed on the first day of the visit to Zhambyl region

The first day of Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of “Days of the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in Zhambyl region is over.

On the first day, according to the schedule, Raushan Karabayeva, Deputy Director for Clinical Care made a presentation on the topic: “Antibiotic therapy in sepsis. Antibiotic resistance”. 56 medical personnel attended the presentation. In the afternoon, during the rounds of two intensive care units of the City Multidisciplinary Hospital, at the request of doctors, Raushan Karabayeva made another presentation for doctors.

Also, as part of the scientific and practical part of the visit, Gulshara Abildina, Chief of Personalized Genomic Diagnostics Laboratory and the Nazar Seydalin, Chief oncologist made lectures on the following topics: “Genetic studies in cancer for the selection of targeted drugs” and “Biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer and melanoma”. Twenty-five doctors from the region came to share their experience and gain new knowledge.

Within the framework of the practical part, Mynzhylky Berdihodzhaev, neurosurgeon performed 8 complex operations on the first day of the visit and provided 12 individual consultations to the patients of the region.

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