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Results of the 2nd day of doctors’ working visit to Kostanay: 8 surgeries, 9 consultations, 9 presentations

Results of the 2nd day of doctors’ working visit to Kostanay: 8 surgeries, 9 consultations, 9 presentations

According to the results of the 2nd day of event “Days of Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kostanay region”, doctors of the Hospital had successfully performed 8 surgeries, 9 consultations and held 9 presentations for doctors of the region with clinical case studies.

Raushan Karabayeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Clinical Care and Altyn Nurpeisova, Head of Clinical-Pharmacological Department had a master class on centralization of pharmacy and rational use of medicines in Kostanay Regional Hospital. Master-class was attended by 42 healthcare professionals from various hospitals.

Also, the abovementioned doctors read a lecture on antimicrobial therapy in sepsis and antbiotic resistance, attendee by 38 persons. Altyn Nurpeisova consulted clinical pharmacologist of Kostanay Regional Hospital on complicated cases.

Gulshara Abildinova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief of Hospital’s Personalized Genomic Diagnostics Laboratory made a presentation, themed: “Contemporary methods of genetic patholoigy diagnosis”. 25 persons shared experience and attended the presentation.

In Kostanay Comprehensive Cancer Hospital Gulshara Abildinova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief of Hospital’s Personalized Genomic Diagnostics Laboratory made a presentation, themed: “Genetic studies in oncological diseases for selecting target medications”. Nazar Seidalin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Oncologist of the Hospital read a lecture, themed: “Biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer and melanocytoma”. Presentation was attended by 20 persons. Also, Gulshara Abildinova consulted a patient with genetic pathology in this hospital.

An important moment of the working visit was performing surgeries on patients in the region, to train doctors of the region. For example, Ayan Abdrakhmanov, chief arrhythmologist of the Hospital, head of surgical department, performed 4 successful surgeries in Rudny City Hospital.

Arsen Tusupbayev, Chief of Endoscopy Department, had performed 4 ERCP surgeries in Kostanay City Hospital, consulted three patients. He also read 3 lectures and made 1 presentation for 12 doctors of the region.

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