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Results of the first day of doctors’ visit to Kostanay region

Results of the first day of doctors’ visit to Kostanay region

The first day of visit of doctors from Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of event “Days of Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan” has come to an end.

On the first day, Hospital’s neurosurgeon, Mynzhylky Berdikhodzhayev has performed 2 surgeries, according to the plan. The first surgery – “Embolization of acute aneurysm by flow diverting stent”, 61-year-old female patient. 6 neurosurgeons and 3 nurses assisted this surgery. The second surgery – “Arteriovenous malformation of left encephalon hemisphere” first stage of arterial embolization, 50-year-old patient. Also, the doctor consulted 4 patients of the region.

As part of scientific-practical part, Raushan Karabayeva, Deputy Director for Clinical Care and Altyn Nurpeisova, Head of Clinical-Pharmacological Department of the Hospital made a presentation, themed: “Antibiotic therapy in sepsis. Antibiotic resistance. Activities of Clinical-Pharmacological Department” with study of clinical cases. Presentation was attended by 60 healthcare professionals.

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