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The results of a working visit of doctors of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan to East Kazakhstan region: 19 operations, 98 medical consultations, 7 lectures

The results of a working visit of doctors of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan to East Kazakhstan region: 19 operations, 98 medical consultations, 7 lectures

Doctors of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan completed their visit to East Kazakhstan region, which was held from April 18 to April 21 under the action “Days of Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in East Kazakhstan region”.

Leading doctors of the Hospital provided 98 consultations on ENT, pulmonology, rheumatology, gynecology, arrhythmology and neurosurgery.

Highly qualified surgeons of the Hospital performed 19 successful operations, which were of educational character for doctors of the region.

Mynzhylky Berdikhodzhayev, Deputy Director for Surgery, neurosurgeon, demonstrated innovative methods of surgery during 7 embolization operations of complex aneurysms and 1 operation - stenting of stenosis.

Talapbek Azhenov, Chief of the ENT Department, performed 4 surgeries on the nasal cavity, mostly complex reoperations in order to eliminate complications. According to the doctor, such visits to the region are an important event, both for patients who have no opportunity to go to the capital, and for regional doctors, because they carry a training program.

Adil Adreshev, a leading gynecologist of the Surger Department #8, successfully performed 5 operations. Rinat Kamiyev, an arrhythmologist of Surgery Department #9, completed the surgical day by conducting the final operations of the visit.

According to the scientific and practical part of the visit program, 7 presentations on innovative methods of treatment were made, and practical classes and master classes were conducted.  Among the lecturers were Nasrulla Shanazarov, Deputy Director for Strategic Development, Science and Education, Gulshara Abildinova, Chief of the Laboratory for Personalized Genomic Diagnostics, Madina Yessengeldina, doctor of Internal Medicine Department  #4 and Nurgul Sadyrbayeva,  Internal Medicine Department  #5.

The final event was the signing of the Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation between the Medical Center of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Akimat of East Kazakhstan region, which will allow people in the region to get free medical consultations, health resort treatment and medical rehabilitation, as well as, if necessary, treatment for seriously ill patients. In addition, the agreement provides for the exchange of experience in training medical personnel in the region on innovative technologies, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the introduction of new medical technologies.

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