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The first class of the school for patients with Parkinson’s disease and their relatives was held at Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The neurologist Raushan Tautanova and neurosurgeon Talgat Yermekov familiarized the audience with information on treatment and rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease, issues of lifestyle, diet, and other important recommendations. About 20 people attended the meeting.

“The School of Parkinson’s disease is organized due to numerous requests from our patients. Our task is to teach patients the right approach to treatment on their part and their families, to increase awareness. From us they get knowledge about the effects of medications, learn about the peculiarities of taking different medications, we teach the basics of healthy lifestyle, prevention of complications, reduction of exacerbations”, - says Raushan Tautanova, neurologist of the Medical Center Hospital.

The School of Parkinson’s disease is another step toward achieving the best possible quality of life for each individual with Parkinson’s disease. It is the work of a large team, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, rehabilitation therapists, speech therapists and a number of other specialists. There are similar schools in many countries and they have a good effect both clinically and psychologically. 

The organizers plan to hold regular schools for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Each year about 100 people are treated and consulted by neurologist of the Medical Center Hospital of the President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan for movement disorders. Some of them undergo surgical treatment.

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