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Nasrulla Shanazarov, Deputy Director for Strategic Development, Science and Education

Head of the Center for Photodynamic Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Oncologist of the highest category, MBA, Chief Oncologist of the Presidential Hospital.
Member of ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncologists), ASCO (American Association of Clinical Oncologists) and RUSSCO (Russian Society of Clinical Oncology).
Holder of Awards “Excellence in Public Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2007), “10th anniversary of Astana” (2008), “Excellence in Public Health” (2013), Order “Labore et Scientia” Russian Federation.
Educational background:
Chelyabinsk State Medical Institute, General Medicine.
Successful defense of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients with locally advanced gastric cancer” in the specialty of surgery and oncology. (2010)  
Supervises the following hospital departments:
Department for Healthcare Technologies Assessment and Strategic Development
Department for Professional Training
Department for Partnership and Medical Tourism
Department for Science and Gerontology

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